MCP’s latest social value projects in Sandwell help a variety of local people … especially those with green fingers! 
Recently, we have been involved with two initiatives as part of our social value commitment to Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council. By coincidence, both projects involve gardening and sustainability! 
We approached Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council to explore options for our social value investment. They kindly introduced us to two amazing initiatives. 
From polytunnels and pumpkins to food pantries 
With regular community involvement, Sandwell Litter Watch tackles local litter and environmental concerns. This award-winning charity aims to keep the Sandwell area litter-free, involving over 100,000 children and adults. Activities include volunteering, workshops and maintaining local allotments. Caroline Street allotments is a sustainability garden. The produce grown is donated to local food pantries and other community initiatives. The garden is a sanctuary for the people who volunteer there. Looking after the garden and growing the food is especially helpful for those with additional needs. Volunteers can also share the produce grown. 
On 16th July 2024 our Business Development Manager, Rosie Hughes, attended the opening of a new polytunnel and pumpkin arch at Catherine Street allotments. MCP funded: 
·       the new polytunnel cover, 
·       railway sleepers to form planters, and 
·       a metal mesh frame for pumpkins to grow over in the autumn. 
The polytunnel has been adopted by Hanbury Primary School and has since been named the ‘’Hanbury Hub’.’ It provides a dedicated space to learn about environmental issues and biodiversity. They are successfully growing tomato plants and banana trees and will be planting more vegetables in the future. 
There are plans to develop a sensory garden at the same location – we look forward to seeing this, and the pumpkin arch, come to life. 
From welly to belly 
Salop Drive Market Garden is a community-led project run by Sandwell charity and social enterprise Ideal for All. People of all ages and abilities can get involved, learning about where food comes from and experiencing a working garden. The site also has healing and decorative gardens and a wildlife area. 
Ideal for All engages with a wide range of local residents including the elderly, disabled and disadvantaged communities. This involves supporting people to look after the  allotments, offering a way for them to connect by growing produce and enjoying the outdoors. Its health and social care initiatives include “Welly to Belly.” This initiative provides classes to children, teaching them to grow food and then to cook and enjoy the results of their hard work. These activities offer skills that may lead to employment opportunities. 
Rosie visited each of Ideal for All’s Sandwell sites and discussed various options with the team to ensure our support would provide the best long-term benefit. As a result, MCP funded a new kitchen for the charity’s community building. This was installed in time for the opening of the new community building by the Mayor of Sandwell, Councillor Syeda Khatun MBE and we were delighted to attend the opening ceremony on 30th July 2024.